Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bumps in the Night

Skeena, last night, was in quite a dither.
She barked and roamed all over the house
And would not quiet down.

Then I got up and looked out the window.
Nothing around I could see.
"Hush Skeena".
Then she was asleep and I was awake.

We didn't know til morning though
What went bump in the night.

When we go backpacking
A few weeks from now.
Far away from here we will go
To sleep outside in the night.

And we think that there is good reason
Not to roam, which anyway, we are not
Prone to do.
In the early hours of the day
At our cozy home.

And at 9:42 this morning our Skeena just tucks
Her tail when I suggest going out
And heads back
And curls up in her bed.

Note video is 4.5 Mb.


  1. A mountain lion and a bear - one in the front driveway and one on the back deck - all in one night. You certainly have the gift of hospitality - inside and out!

  2. Hi there,
    My name is JJ Hollingsworth and I just bought Mr. Benner's place. I've been trying to blog on for the last couple of days but I can't seem to get past the crypt. I'm sure we'll meet sometime. One last try.

  3. Well, that last one worked. So I'll try to expound... maybe you also had a little attempted visit from your new neighbor last night.
    I am a composer living in San Francisco. My husband is a scientist. We bought the place because it resonated.

  4. The amazing gift of hospitality is clearly at fault... Even God's creatures feel welcome at your home!
