Sunday, March 20, 2011


I think that many
Believe their intentions
Are an end in themselves.
That if we want to do it
It's as good as if
It were done.
And if our intentions
Were meant to benefit people
That, indeed it will
And even if it doesn't
It lets us off the hook.

Certainly, we want our
Intentions to be good
But it is so much more
Than that

The best explanation
That I have received,was
"It is because we judge
Others on their actions
And ourselves
On our intentions"

It's something that I think about
Perhaps oddly a lot.

Quote is from Gary Friedman, Founder of Center for Understanding Conflict, in a conversation during lunch.


  1. I was just thinking about the difference between what we intend and how people receive us. Great post!

  2. Loved this, Gretchen. Quite convicting actually.
