Sunday, March 6, 2011

Perfect Day Pancakes

I have thought about my perfect days and have come to the conclusion that they most often start with pancakes.  I really never was someone who ate these soft little discs too often, but when we went camping for the first time, I became addicted.  The first word out of my mouth in the morning – “Pancakes” and then the day could begin.  I think though, although I do like them, as with so much of life, that it is the process that I adore the most.

First, it has to be a somewhat lazy morning.  Pancakes cannot be hurried and that usually means the day is wide open for possibilities, rather than scheduled and worked, a treat indeed.

Next, it is something that Tom and I do together.  We start off with Tom making a latte for both of us and a mutual decision, which happens most weekends that this, indeed, is a pancake sort of day.

I start the batter.  It’s a special day when we go for blueberry lemon, sugared pecan or mini-chocolate chip.  Mostly we like plain pancakes.  I have probably tried ten recipes and have come strongly to the conclusion that the recipe from Bette’s Diner in Berkeley is the best.  Tom starts bacon or sausage, making a pot of coffee, gets maple syrup and butter out and sets the table.  

Two years ago my parents got Tom a griddle and it never left my house.  I think that was the plan, but it was our first “shared” gift and makes me smile.  Pancakes are much more consistent made at the new house with the gas burners and I know now just how to get them golden brown (not an easy task for awhile).  The oven is turned on and the plates as well as the pile of pancakes go in to warm up.

Then the eating begins.  Tom is a stacker of three to four with butter in between.  I like three pancakes spread out on a plate each one buttered separately.  We sit down and enjoy our meal and talk of the day and our life and our thoughts. 

Pancakes take just the right of time for some togetherness in the morning, starting our day with a full stomach and time with each other in a leisurely way.  By the way, we love to share our pancake mornings (and sometimes evenings) with others, too.

1 comment:

  1. We're coming to enjoy those pancakes with you in 2 weeks. That is exactly the kind of morning that we would like one of the days while we are with you.
