Monday, February 14, 2011

A New Sheriff in Town

I wonder
What it is
About human nature
That makes me
Slow down
and my blood pressure
Speed up
Each time I pass
Our sheriff.

I would say it's
Just me,
But I've watched
Others too.

With his hand on
The steering wheel
Of his old marked car.
He sits still
All through the day
Protecting his route

Come to think of it
He there at night
As well.

Diligent he is but
He stops not a soul.
You would think then
I'd relax as I drive by
But no, it happens
Each time I look
I check my speed
And wonder
About guilt.


  1. We have gotten almost three feet of snow in the last few days. Yesterday, as we drove out of town, I thought the sheriff was gone. Alas, no, poor thing, but the car is 100% buried in snow.

  2. We loved seeing the sheriff in person. Can't believe he is buried.
